FAQ’s – DiFilippos
13 Railroad Avenue, Paoli, PA 19301

How can we help?

Have your own questions? (or) 610-240-4789
  • 01. How does financing through Wells Fargo work?
    You apply for a Wells Fargo Home Projects credit card by clicking on the link on the DiFilippo’s Service website. Fill out the application and submit. Wells Fargo will notify you of your approval and send DiFilippo’s Service Company direct confirmation. If approved, your credit card will be sent by mail.
  • 02. Who is authorized to apply for financing?
    Any homeowner getting an installation at their primary residence. *Landlords are unable to apply through Wells Fargo for rental property projects.
  • 03. Do my payments go directly towards DiFilippo’s Service?
    Do my payments go directly towards DiFilippo’s Service?
  • 06. Am I able pay for a part of my installation and finance the remaining balance?
  • 07. Can I finance without going through Wells Fargo?
    No. We do not accept any other financing options at this time.
  • 08. What if Wells Fargo does NOT approve the full price of my installation?
    We encourage you to contact customer service and explain the details of the installation if you are not approved for the full amount. Wells Fargo can work with you to determine if more financing is available.
  • 04. How much will I be offered for financing and at what rate?
    We offer multiple options for financing. Please call the office to learn about the different plans and determine which option works best for you.
  • 05. Am I able pay for a part of my installation and finance the remaining balance?
    Am I able pay for a part of my installation and finance the remaining balance?